One Day I Looked Up From My Phone
Recently the Lord dropped a little thought provoking poem into my spirit. I offer it to us all in the spirit of the continual need for balance and blessing. I thank God for the blessings of modern social media and our phones. As with anything, we are faced with the question of whether we will control it or will it control us? Let’s continue to make godly and righteous choices in our modern world of tech and connection.
Here’s a little godly pricking & provoking to just remind us to stay balanced in the midst of our ever increasing fast-paced lives. Let’s continue to use the internet, social media and suchlike for good and godly reasons. Yet, even godly peeps, tweeple, followers, likers and such need to keep things in check from time to time. I’m a fellow traveler.
Interestingly, I was recently with my family at a local home improvement store when I snapped the above picture. It appeared that possibly someone had enough and murdered their phone. Obviously, I stumbled upon a crime scene.
Kidding, of course.
One Day I Looked Up From My Phone
bishop lcgore | sept 2016
One day I looked up from my phone and my baby was born,
One day I looked up from my phone and my baby started walking,
One day I looked up from my phone and my baby was graduating from high school,
One day I looked up from my phone and my parents were getting older,
One day I looked up from my phone and my adult child was getting married,
One day I looked up and my grandchildren were born,
One day I looked up from my phone and talked with the funeral home director about my spouses arrangements,
One day I looked up from my phone and began to notice life and..
One day I looked up from my phone and there I suddenly stood before the face of God.